
Gordon Graphics can offer two types of platemaking systems that
allow us to meet customers platemaking requirements efficiently.

Gordon Graphics have two CTP systems working simultaneously, our Lotem 800v for B2 plate and the Lotem 80 Quantum II for B1, though both systems are capable of running B1 plates.

The LOTEM 800 is capable of output speeds of 12 plates per hour whereby the LOTEM 800V Quantum II can output 24 B1 plates per hour.

This allows us to keep up with the rapid turnarounds required in the printing industry today.

Gordon Graphics integrates the ISO 12647 standard throughout the platesetting process, calibrating machinery and monitoring quality on every plate

Still offering traditional facilities, we can still plate both B1 and B2
from conventional film. A surprising amount of business is currently generated from customers who hold conventional film with no
digital files.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information regarding our excellent platemaking services!